The actor recently recalled one of Sanju baba’s pranks while he was busy entertaining his co-contestants at the Bigg Boss 5 house
Crime master Gogo is on a revealing spree these days and the actor seems to be unable to hold his horses. Recently, amidst all the fun and banter at the
Bigg Boss 5 house, Shakti Kapoor narrated a particular anecdote about Sanju baba which is going to make you crack up. Apparently a long time ago, when the Deadly Dutt was shooting for one of his movies, one scene has him and his heroine running in slow motion, meeting at a point and hugging each other tightly.
Very cleverly Shakti didn’t disclose the heroine’s name, but he did complete the story and infused it with all the spice he could manage. What happened next was that the two did meet at a point and hug each other, but Sanju apparently held the lady so tight that the next thing the whole unit heard was a loud farting noise. Well, it didn’t end there. Sanjay Dutt went to the extent of organising a special screening for his friends and showed them that same shot over and over again to satiate their evil craving for entertainment. Now B-town is filled with a set of mean people, we say, and the one to top the top the list is definitely Sanju baba!
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